On Tuesday’s trading day, markets started lower as investors as investors continued to follow corporate earnings after the extended weekend. Leading the day’s market volatility was tech-leader Nvidia, which is set to report earnings after Wednesday’s trading day. Analysts noted that tech has continued to be at the forefront of price expansion, but there are always ceilings for how much a sector can grow in a limited amount of time. For the main indices, the S&P 500 dropped 0.60%, the NASDAQ Composite went down 0.92%, and the Dow Jones fell 0.17%.
Two stocks to have midday trading movements due to headlines were Nvidia and Home Depot. Tech giant and chipmaker Nvidia saw its shares fall 4.35% after investors casted some doubt over its high valuation ahead of its Wednesday earnings report. Home Depot, which reported earnings alongside Walmart, saw its shares just gain 0.061% after the firm beat top and bottom-line estimates but posted a sales decline when compared to last year.